Meet the Committee
2023-2024 Academic Year Commitee
Maximilian Lin
Hey, I'm Max, a Biomedical Sciences student at St Anne's College! I am passionate about translational research and learning about the impact of science on society– in present and history. Initially drawn to personalized medicine through a fascination with the immense potential of targeted therapies for improving treatment options in oncology, I now appreciate the vast variety of applications the field encompasses, from cardiovascular risk stratification to disease prevention. With the constant emergence of novel technologies enabling the processing of an abundance of data, I am eager to see how we can harness these developments to revolutionise healthcare with individualized treatment options. Excited by this rapidly evolving field, I hope to promote the appreciation of topics around personalized medicine across the university and share inspiring works of influential academics around the world.
Vice President
Angela Chen
Hey everyone! I’m Angela, a second year Biochemist at St Anne’s College! I'm excited about the transformative potential that personalized medicine offers to healthcare. The prospect of enhancing people's quality of life through tailored treatments, informed by their genetics and immune system, deeply intrigues me. I look forward to collaborating with like-minded individuals to communicate complex scientific ideas and recent discoveries in personalized medicine through OPMS!
Treasurer & Gene‘Zine Editor-in-Chief
Melville Nyatondo
Hey, I'm Melville. I've just graduated with a BSc in Personalised Medicine and now starting an MSc in Applied Cancer Science at the University College. My interests lie in cancer research and the potential of precision oncology to enhance patient outcomes and quality of life. I am also passionate about tackling underrepresentation and health inequalities within the field. So, I am excited to join the OPMS and to hear about all the cutting-edge research within the Oxford community and beyond through some of the events we will hold throughout the year.
Ciaran Sandhu
Hi! I’m Ciaran, a fourth-year medical student at The Queen’s College. I’m interested by the intersection between personalised medicine, gene therapies and immunotherapies and look forward to seeing how developments continue to shape patient outcomes. I am excited to work with the team to bring like-minded individuals together and promote personalised medicine to a wider audience.
Co-Publicity Representative
Zhen Yi Tan
Hi everyone, my name is Zhen and I’m a second-year Biochemist at St. Peter’s! From the moment I first tuned into forensic shows as a child, I was spellbound by the intricate relationship between science and society - the unravelling of mysteries through the lens of biochemistry and the pivotal role that drugs and medicine played in solving complex cases. Personalised medicine, with its promise of tailoring treatments to the unique genetic makeup of individuals, represents the culmination of my aspirations. It embodies the notion that healthcare and science can be customised to fit distinct needs, ultimately leading to more effective and precise treatments. In this world of rapidly advancing medical technologies and a growing understanding of our genetic makeup, join us on this journey to unlock passion centred around the captivating realm of personalised medicine. Together, we can make strides towards a future where healthcare is not just tailored, but truly transformativ
IT Officer
Joanne To
Hi I’m Joanne, a second year experimental psychology student at Jesus College. Initially, my interest in psychiatry ignited my appreciation for the impact of tailoring treatments to individual needs. While psychiatry itself may not be the primary focus of personalized medicine, it has undeniably sparked my curiosity in this transformative concept of leveraging one’s genetic profile to create targeted treatments.
I am keen on expanding my knowledge on the broader applications of personalized medicine, especially with regards to pharmacogenomics and proactive disease prevention. I am enthusiastic about exploring the impact of personalized medicine on current healthcare systems and its potential to reshape the future of healthcare. I am keen to share insights and opportunities with fellow enthusiasts in this exciting field.
Gene‘Zine Editor-in-Chief
Becky Howitt
Hi! I’m Becky, a final year medical student at The Queen’s College. Having written for the Gene ‘Zine over the past year, I am very excited to take over as Editor-in-Chief. I am particularly interested in the application of personalised medicine to paediatrics and enjoy exploring how cutting-edge research can be applied clinically to help patients. I am looking forward to promoting these areas, as well as other aspects of personalised medicine, in the magazine this year, and hope to widen the audience that the Gene ‘Zine reaches.
Speakers Officer
Anna-Sophia Maeckel
Hey! I’m Anna-Sophia, a Biomedical Sciences student at Balliol College. While my main interest is the Science of Ageing, I have also been interested in gender-based medicine. Specifically, I seek to resolve some of the knowledge gaps around typical female diseases. However, whilst gender-based medicine is a step in the right direction, we should ultimately be aiming for personalized treatment options. Everyone is unique: individuals have different side effects to the same medication, different symptoms from the same underlying disease, and different therapeutic approaches that are most effective for them. I would love to see a shift in the medical community from overgeneralising individuals into categories, towards treating the individual according to their own distinct needs. With the rapid rate of innovation in the field of precision medicine I am looking forward to what we will be able to achieve in the future.
Education Officer
Geetika Kumar
Hi, I’m Geetika and I’m a 4th year medic at Corpus from Bangalore, India! I’m passionate about personalised medicine as it has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by providing targeted, efficacious treatments with fewer side effects for an individual. I’m particularly interested in the microbiome, immunotherapies, and preventative medicine. I look forward to working with the team and learning more about advancements in this space!